Walking In Purpose…On Purpose!

The later part of the year I do a lot of reflecting. My birthday is in October which prompts reflection but also it’s only 2 months before the new year. I spend a lot of time digging deep on what I’ve done, who I’ve become, and what I want to accomplish in the next year. One thing that has stood out for me in 2025 is the concept of walking IN purpose, ON purpose. I’ve had the pleasure of walking in my purpose for a number of years now, but being intentional and deliberate towards the goals and impact I aim to make? That hasn’t been as consistent and I’m reignited for the coming year. I feel deep in my core that 2025 is going to be a big year for me, and that scares me if I’m being honest about it.

In order to have the success I know is coming, it will stretch me slightly beyond my natural capacity. I will have to become a new version of myself in order to handle and sustain the growth that is sure to come. I am actively working to prepare myself and feel ready to take on all that’s coming my way! It’s a lot of pressure and in many ways I don’t feel ready, but I know that God is calling me in this direction and all I’m responsible for is my obedience. I just have to do my part and trust God with the rest!

So with that being said, I’m walking IN purpose…ON purpose. All 2025. And I cannot wait to see what’s in store.


Trusting Love…One More Time


Imposture Syndrome